Friday, December 19, 2014

Yeast Intolerance

The following information will help you to avoid yeast in your diet.  If your symptoms have not improved after six weeks of strict avoidance, you should reintroduce yeasts back into your diet.

Bread and cereal products containing yeast

These products contain a form of yeast known as baker’s yeast:Most breads, rolls, croissants, Danish pastries, doughnuts, Chelsea buns, bath buns, some American muffins, crumpets and muffins.
These products are usually yeast free but you should always check all ingredients labels, as this is not always the case:Soda or scofa bread, pitta bread, chapattis, naan bread, most crispbreads and crackers, rice cakes.


The following alcoholic drinks contain brewer’s yeast:Beer, wine, cider.


Most stock cubes and gravies contain yeast.  Vegetarian brands are available without yeast (check labels).  Bovril, Oxo, Marmite, Vegemite, and other brands of yeast extracts.

Vinegar and salad dressings

Pickles, mayonnaise, chutneys, and any food containing vinegar such as salad dressings, will contain yeast.

Fermented or ripe foods

There is a form of yeast that is naturally present on ripe fruit and vegetables and pre-cooked foods.  Also present in dried fruit, malt, buttermilk, sour cream, synthetic cream, yoghurt, over ripe fruit, tofu, ‘left-over’ food, ripe cheeses, sauerkraut, soy sauce, and miso. Anything that has been opened and stored for a long period, e.g. jams may develop yeasts on the surface.
Vitamin-B tablets unless marked "yeast free".

Other sources of yeast (check all food ingredient lables carefully)

Quorn (mycoprotein), hydrolysed protein, hydrolysed vegetable protein or leavening (check labels).  Monosodium glutamate, sometimes citric acid.


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