Thursday, December 18, 2014

Essential Information Needs About Food Allergy

Research has shown that parents frequently leave a doctor’s appointment without the information they wish they had asked for. The list below has been found to cover most questions you might have, and it can be helpful to take this with you to the appointment. However, remember that you may not be able to discuss all the questions at a single appointment, and so the doctor may suggest a follow-up consultation.

  • What is anaphylaxis? What is not anaphylaxis?
  • Recognising symptoms of allergic reactions; the timescale of reactions
  • How accidental exposures occur and how to manage risky situations
  • What to feed your child (rather than what to avoid), while ensuring they eat a healthy diet which meets their nutritional needs
  • Practical allergen avoidance: label reading, shopping, cooking, social events, eating out and travel. How to find allergen-free products
  • When and how to use the adrenaline auto-injector device, if prescribed. Revision of technique at each follow-up appointment
  • How to educate other family members, and other adults, who may give the child food
  • Risks and benefits of allergy testing and oral challenges. Interpretation of results
  • When follow-up is required, and why
  • Where to find more information
  • How to teach your child about food allergy


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